
Silverlight Strategy Tweaked to handle HTML5

Recently, there has been quite some buzz about Silverlight and HTML5. Microsoft has stated over and over they are supporting and investing a lot in HTML5. Have you heard the PDC keynote? If you heard it, then you’ve surely noticed the emphasis Ballmer placed on HTML5! Where was Silverlight in that keynote? Yes, I know PDC’s SilverLight focus was all about WP7, but what about all the other platforms?

So where does that leave Silverlight?
- Are they dropping the investment in SL?
- Does it still make sense to support both platforms knowing that their targets and objectives are slightly different?
- Will SL make sense only for smaller devices as WP7?
- Is SL going to be the future WPF Client Profile (as we have nowadays lighter .NET versions called “Client Profile”) and the gap between WPF and SL continuously reduced until only WPF exists? Will it be named “WPFLight”?
- Can HTML5 completely replace SL? Does it make sense to build complex UI applications in plain HTML5? Can/Should I build something like CRM Dynamics in HTML5?
- Is it the best alternative if you want to invest in developing cloud applications?

Much has been written about this subject, there are many opinions and mostly many unanswered questions. These are just a few of the questions I’ve heard and read in the last few weeks/months. These are hardly questions that just popped out of my mind… Let’s call them cloud questions, they are all over the web!
What I would like to point out is that Microsoft is aware of this and in response they’ve published in the Silverlight team blog (http://team.silverlight.net), they’ve published an announcement talking about changes in the Silverlight strategy (http://team.silverlight.net/announcement/pdc-and-silverlight). And I would like to quote the last part of it:
We think HTML will provide the broadest, cross-platform reach across all these devices. At Microsoft, we’re committed to building the world’s best implementation of HTML 5 for devices running Windows, and at the PDC, we showed the great progress we’re making on this with IE 9.
The purpose of Silverlight has never been to replace HTML, but rather to do the things that HTML (and other technologies) can’t, and to do so in a way that’s easy for developers to use. Silverlight enables great client app and media experiences. It’s now installed on two-thirds of the world’s computers, and more than 600,000 developers currently build software using it. Make no mistake; we’ll continue to invest in Silverlight and enable developers to build great apps and experiences with it in the future

So, what they are saying here is:
- We acknowledge that HTML5 is the best cross-platform technology for the web
- We think there’s still some room for SilverLight, namely complex user interface client apps

And finally: “we’ll continuing investing in it!”. The question that might pop in your mind is “will they? Really? A long-term investment? Or a rather short one?”

What do I think? I think there’s still room for SL applications and I’m looking forward to see the developments and how SL will continue to reduce the gap to the full WPF framework.

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