
.NET Encryption - Part 2

In the first article of this series I’ve briefly covered some topics about .NET encryption. Now that we’ve all remembered how encryption works, let’s move onwards to the real deal.
Let’s start by seeing what .NET provides us with. In the table below I’ve grouped every algorithm (please let me know if I’ve missing any!) and categorized them by purpose (symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, non-keyed hashing and keyed hashing) and implementation.
There are three kinds of implementations:
  • Managed: pure .NET implementations
  • CryptoServiceProvider: managed wrappers to the Microsoft Crypto API native code implementations
  • CNG: managed wrappers to the Next Generation Cryptography API designed to replace the previously mentioned CryptoAPI (also known as CAPI)

In the table above, I’ve highlighted in red a few classes which were only introduced in .NET 3.5. However these new classes (except AesManaged) can only be used on Windows Vista and later operating systems.  This is due to the fact that the CNG API was first released along with Windows Vista.
Please note that .NET framework supports only a few of the CNG features. If you wish to use CNG more extensively in .NET you may be interested in delving into the CLR Security Library.

So, the first big question is: with so many flavors what should we choose? Of course there’s no absolute and definitive response, there are too many factors involved, but we can start by pointing some of the pros and cons of each kind of implementation.
CNG:  It has the downside of only running on the latest Operating Systems; On the upside it is the newer API (you should face CAPI as the deprecated API), it’s FIPS-Certified and it’s native code (hence likely to be faster than the Managed implementation).
Managed: It has the downside of not being FIPS-Certified and likely to be slower than the native implementations; On the upside this approach has increased portability has it works across all platforms (and apart from AesManaged you don’t even need the latest .NET version)
CSP: CryptoServiceProviders supply you a bunch of FIPS-Certified algorithms and even allows you to use cryptography hardware devices. Note that .NET support for Crypto Service Providers is a wrapper for the CAPI features and doesn’t all of CAPI features.

You may ask “What’s FIPS-Certified?”. FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) are a set of security guidelines which are demanded by several federal institutions and governments. Your system can be configured to allow only the use of FIPS-Certified algorithms. When faced with such a requirement, using a non FIPS-Certified algorithm is considered the same as using no encryption at all!

So, now that you know how to choose among the different kinds of implementations, another (perhaps more relevant and important) question, is how to choose the algorithm to use. It mostly depends upon the encryption strategy you are using.
  • For a symmetric algorithm, Rijndael is mostly recommended. AES is no more than a Rijndael implementation with fixed block and key sizes.
  • For asymmetric algorithms, RSA is the common option.
  • For hashing purposes, SHA2 algorithms (SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) are recommended. MD5 is considered to have several flaws and is considered insecure. SHA1 has also been recently considered insecure.
That's all for these blog post. In the next part of the series I'll show you source code examples and maybe delve into a few common scenarios and necessities.

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